Real Time Contact Finder Using Linkedin For Free

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Real Time Contact Finder Using Linkedin For Free

How to get the most out of Linkedin: A real-time contact info finder for recruiters, sales, professionals, marketers, and more.


LinkedIn is the world’s largest network of professionals, who are looking to find new contacts and get in touch with old ones. However, there are over 2 billion professionals on LinkedIn that you can't directly contact without knowing their email address or phone number. This can be frustrating if you're trying to build your business or just need to get in touch with a b2b business owner but don't know how to do it easily and effectively.

What is a leadnear contact finder?

Recruiters may spend hours looking for contact information on LinkedIn before finding a way to reach out. The LeadNear Contact Finder makes it easy by showing you a list of contacts and their contact information in seconds! Simply type in what you're looking for (job title, company name, person) on LinkedIn, and our AI-based tool will find the contacts for you using LeadNear AI-based Contact Finder.

With just one click, you'll see your contact's email address, phone number, social links, and even their current position at the company they work at! By using this tool instead of manually searching through LinkedIn's interface or contacting individuals via message or call directly will save you time and frustration while still getting in touch with your desired target.

Why is LeadNear contact finder important?

LeadNear is a contact finder that provides you with contact information for any person you're browsing on LinkedIn. It's easy to use, has a clean interface, and can be used in a variety of ways; it's not just limited to contacts. Use it as an invaluable tool during your research phase or when trying to reach someone at their place of business! As you can see below, by using LeadNear while researching, we were able to locate some contact information that we were previously unaware of! Not only did this help us make connections and follow up faster than before, but it also helped us build trust right off the bat. When I reached out later on that day to schedule a meeting - they responded right away because I had already followed up through LinkedIn, and then through their phone number or email - saving them time from following up with other potential contacts themselves. The best part? They had no idea how easy it was for me to do so thanks to LeadNear.

Features & Use Cases

If you are someone who interacts with others on Linkedin frequently then this is an app that you will love using. It is really easy to use and it has a feature to generate contacts using AI which is really fast and effective. If you are a recruiter or salesperson, Best Accuracy is an amazing feature that you can use as well to find people's contact information without any hassle at all!


This new and innovative tool makes searching for the best contact information easier than ever before! With a single click on their name, you will be able to see all the ways you can connect with them. You can do so by email or phone. It allows you to quickly reach out and connect with people who are already in your network as well as people who may not be in your network but might be interested in what you have to offer based on their job title or company. The best accuracy with this tool is that it can help you connect even if they've changed their name recently!

Download & Install

Find anyone's contact information in seconds while you're browsing their profile on LinkedIn by simply visiting the profile link that appears when you visit the targeted profile! Learn how to use LinkedIn as a real-time contact finder for free with this guide. This is a very fast way of finding someone's email address, phone number, or any other form of contact information they have on their profile. It can be very effective if you are looking for someone specific and it saves you time because you don't have to scroll through every single person's profile trying to find them. You can also see people's current job titles or companies so it can help when you are looking for someone with a specific skill set or who works at a specific company. The Chrome extension has been very useful for me as a recruiter because I spend less time searching for people I'm interested in hiring and spend more time doing my job and hiring these qualified candidates. The extension has been very helpful because I can find someone's contact information very quickly which makes my work easier.

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